The Town Board of South Shore met for their regular meeting on Monday, June 7, 2010 at 7:00pm at the Community Center.
Those present were Mayor Grewing, board members Jaquet and Meyer, Finance Officer Meyer, A. Jaquet, A. Huff-man, T. Jensen, O. Matthes, C. Werner, K. Nelson, R. Grewing, J. Elshere and P. Meyer.
The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm by mayor Grewing.
The Financial Report was presented showing the following fund balances.
General Fund $57,570.79
Water Fund $15,014.80
Sewer Fund $71,953.44
CD’s $104,273.69
Total fund balance of all accounts is $248,812.72.
The following warrants were presented for payment
General Fund
Dependable Sanitation Garbage $190.25
EFPTS Payroll Tax $273.98
Robert Grewing Board Wages $166.23
A. Greybuffalo Estate Deposit Reimb $50.00
ITC Phone $103.95
Karen Jaquet Wages $355.55
Wayne Jaquet Board Wages $189.38
Lowe Backhoe Cleaning ditch $535.00
Menards Park repairs $417.07
Emily Meyer CC Custodial $60.60
Jon Meyer Board Wages $184.70
Kathy Meyer Wages, mlg, sup $686.26
Ray Rylance Attorney $100.00
One Call System 4 locate calls $4.20
Ottertail Electricity $972.26
SS Gazette Proceedings $71.31
Star Laundry Rugs $11.68
USPS Postage, box rent $88.00
Water Fund
Lowe Backhoe Water leak repair $720.00
Ottertail Electricity $244.44
Chuck Werner Wages $92.35
Winwater Repairs, Main. $446.21
Sewer Fund
Ottertail Electricity $87.47
USPS Postage $88.00
West Con Spray $95.00
The Liquor Store rent and commission for the month of May was $695.03 plus reimbursements of $328.18. Meyer’s Rec commission figures were not reported at this time.
The Consent Calendar was approved by motion of Jaquet, seconded by Meyer. All voted aye.
Old Business
The recommendations made as a result of the Insurance Audit were presented to the board. First, it was recommended that no liquor be allowed at any events held in the Com-munity Center. (This is only a recommendation. At this time, the Board decided to keep the center policy as it has been.) The second re- commendation was to obtain insurance certificates from any firm or business that does work for the town.
A second roll-off dumpster was needed at the town cleanup last month. Please remember that once the dumpster has left town, no additional items will be accepted for disposal.
The information from Attorney Rylance regarding selling the liquor store was presented to the board. No action will be taken at this time. This was just an in-formational investigation.
The restrooms at City Park have been repaired and will be repainted in the near future.
West Con will be contacted about spraying the sewer ponds for spurge.
The fences will also be repaired or replaced surrounding the ponds.
New Business
Ron Grewing asked the board if they would consider putting up speed limit signs and possibly a speed bump on Lakeview Avenue. This is the major road for trucks to access the elevator. Alicia Huffman also requested that “Children at play” signs be posted on that street. Mayor Grewing will check into the possibility of installing a speed bump, and signs will be posted.
The Rubble Site bi-annual inspection report was presented to the board. The major infraction cited by the state is that the sign must be repaired and rehung, and a more accurate usage log must be kept.
Water CD #12124 has renewed at an interest rate of 1.5%. The board voted by motion of Meyer and second by Jaquet to cash in Sewer CD# 11534 to use for fence repairs at the sewer ponds. Any amount left over will be reinvested in another CD after the project is finished.
One building permit sub-mitted by Alta Jaquet was approved by the board by motion of Jaquet, seconded by Meyer. All aye.
The board was asked to consider any items they would like to put into the 2011 budget. They will be discussed at the July meeting.
The finance officer has been asked to contact Office Max to find out the cost of shredding old town warrants that have been audited and approved for destruction.
Tim Jensen asked the board if the town would contract to have six port-a-potties delivered to the park and main street on the weekend of the all school reunion. He has also contracted with RJ’s to supply the bar at the reunion dance. The reunion committee also asked if they could temporarily fence the area south of the community center to provide some outside seating for people. The board had no problem with these requests.
Orval Matthes inquired about steps that should be taken to avoid any further erosion by the ramp behind the community center. He will also do some needed repairs in the center restrooms.
J. Meyer reported that he received a call from Joanne Burglund about someone in Watertown having a dock and boat lift for sale. If anyone is interested in these items, please contact Joanne.
At this time, the finance officer showed the board the new website for the town of South Shore. For the time being, the site is actually a blog, but a web domain can be purchased in the future for a nominal fee that will allow people to get to our page by an internet search. The page site is Please take a moment to look at the new site.
The next regular meeting has been set for Monday, July 12, 2010 at 7:00pm.
With no further business, Jaquet moved, seconded by Meyer to adjourn at 8:07pm.
Robert Grewing, Mayor
Kathleen Meyer Finance Officer
Kathleen Meyer Finance Officer
(Publish once on June 10 at an approximate cost of $74.14)